Monday, 21 May 2018

Pause and Ponder!!!

* If you do not know your manufacturer, it will be difficult at best to determine your purpose. Your life will have no meaning without a relationship with God, because HE is the only one who knows why HE conceived you. Until you learn why God made you, you are just part of the crowd.
* There is a time/season that no one else believes in your dreams or your purpose but you. If you are not willing to pursue your purpose with a passion deep enough to go with it alone in that season, then you are not fit for the purpose, you will definitely lose it and then wake up someday to see someone else do it.
* When you discover purpose, you become immune to your past, when you discover purpose, you become immune to opposition. You push through anything or go around any obstacle to pursue your vision. You are unstoppable!!!
* It is hardwork maintaining something that is not meant to be! Hey beware, don't force it!
* If you look at your watch more than you look at your future, you are still part of the crowd.
* Everyone is an answer to a question, you were born to answer a question on earth. What were you born to do?
* Until you discover your gift, you can only be an imitation. When you discover who you are, you become an original, no longer a copy.
* Once you are pursuing your purpose and using your gifts, you experience what is foreign to many people: Fulfillment. You suddenly have joy, peace and satisfaction because you are doing what you were born to do.
* How much luckier can you be than to spend your time doing something that pleases God and pleases you. You are pleased because you can use your area of gifting and God is pleased because you are carrying out HIS assignment.
* Your passion gets you up in the morning, fills you with energy throughout the day and keeps you looking ahead to the future with confidence.

* The extent of your vision is the boundary of your blessing.
* Until you change a man's thinking, you cannot change his life,you cannot change his state and you cannot change his estate.

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