Sunday, 27 May 2018

ALONESS i.e loneliness

#IAMjazzyb: It does not matter how 'private' a person you are, you still are around some people, your clique or something, it's just so lifeless being lonely & alone. When you start getting comfortable being by yourself, isolated or just you by you, something is not right.
I fully understand now indepthly when God said 'it's not good for a man/human to be alone', trust me it goes beyond the opposite sex as wife, that is the closest circle of bond though but you just have a people or some other person to relate with, God help you it's the right company too though but it's just not SANE for man/human to be alone. Haaa even if it's someone or some people to argue with, it is sure a blessing you have. I hope you really value that no matter what situation it is for you right now, you still are blessed to not be lonely/isolated.
God did not make/form humans/man to be by himself/herself and that is the reason we crave for relationships.
It's a different thing when you withdraw to be by yourself for a higher life purpose.
When you are lonely, you are sad & desolate! To be desolate is to be lifeless.
Loneliness can run you mad!
A lack of human connection ultimately leads to a lack of vitality or a disconnect between mind and body.
Fun is not even fun when you do it all alone.
No amount of social network-ing, chats, phonecalls or emails can fill this kind of vacuum, ONLY THE PHYSICAL PRESENCE OF HUMANS CAN! This is the way we are wired to be....(deep Sigh)!
Having a companion physically present around you is a blessing, appreciate it!
Having family present around you is a blessing, appreciate it!
Having good relatives present around you is a blessing, appreciate it!
Having great & prosperous friends present around you is a blessing, appreciate it!
Having none of these drains you & kills vitality, it's lifeless. It's a wilderness experience!
#IAMjazzyb #GODsErrandboy

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

YOUR cREatIvE poWEr IS unlimited

The thought and creative power of man is boundless. It is a great gift from the Lord.  If used positively it's a blessing but it causes pain & destruction if negatively engaged. The creative power knows no race, no colour, no age, no religion. no barrier, it knows no gender nor motive, it's boundless & limitless.
Use yours to make the world a better place to live. #IAMjazzyb #GODsErrandBoy

Monday, 21 May 2018

Come!! Drink!!! From the Rivers of Living Waters.

It is not just about the crowd or multitude but this one thing is guaranteed for sure that when you come to/attend our hangouts/shows/concerts/events/outreaches;

it is that you come to the FOUNTAIN OF LIFE, i mean a life - giving Oasis where you are relieved, refreshed, & revived Spirit, Soul & body..

Yes at our shows:
..the downcast & downtrodden gets lifted
..the confused at life gets direction
..the dieing gets back to life
..the weak is strengthened
..the heartbroken is re-assured
..the sick is healed
..the lost is restored
..the strong is refilled & re-energized
what you get is never what money can buy. What you get is a RENEWED you when you are leaving. Yes you learn and you live.

Where is God!

Where is God? 

Which God anyway? 

The world today is so godless, confused, in pain, there is war, earthquake hurricane, so much violence, injustice, racism, innovation & creation of weapons of destruction, bloodshed of innocent lives all over and you ask yourself where all these chaos come from. 

Rape culture has gone beserk, now raping 3month old babies to 78year old women, fraud in government, in church, even between husband and wife , children to parents or the reverse! 

The government is confused and lost in all of this.

Hehehe I sat back on my toilet seat this moment and i laugh so deeply just as God is laughing. Hmmmmmm the ultimate is God and God is the ultimate. 

Before Sodom & Gommorah was crushed, these were the questions, before Noah built the ark, it was also like this, before Jesus the Christ came it was so, when Christ was crucified, the thought was 'you see now, where is the so called God' but when Christ rose from the dead, the devil thought if he had known he wont let Christ go to the cross people of Sodom &Gommorah wished they had known, the people around Noah wished they built and entered the ark with him. 

Hear me well, it all seems like there is no God presently globally, even because of the little trial & test of life you are going through, do not buy the lie of the devil ,he is a loser! 

Getting into Jesus is the ONLY way to escape this chaos & confusion!

The name of the Lord (Jesus Christ) is a strong tower, a defence, a shield, a fortress, the righteous run into it and are saved.

Find your way in. 


After it all.....

After it all, HE told me, for me henceforth is:

* Sunshine and Laughter
* Celebration and Food
* Laughing and Feasting

Wooow! What about you?

Pause and Ponder!!!

* If you do not know your manufacturer, it will be difficult at best to determine your purpose. Your life will have no meaning without a relationship with God, because HE is the only one who knows why HE conceived you. Until you learn why God made you, you are just part of the crowd.
* There is a time/season that no one else believes in your dreams or your purpose but you. If you are not willing to pursue your purpose with a passion deep enough to go with it alone in that season, then you are not fit for the purpose, you will definitely lose it and then wake up someday to see someone else do it.
* When you discover purpose, you become immune to your past, when you discover purpose, you become immune to opposition. You push through anything or go around any obstacle to pursue your vision. You are unstoppable!!!
* It is hardwork maintaining something that is not meant to be! Hey beware, don't force it!
* If you look at your watch more than you look at your future, you are still part of the crowd.
* Everyone is an answer to a question, you were born to answer a question on earth. What were you born to do?
* Until you discover your gift, you can only be an imitation. When you discover who you are, you become an original, no longer a copy.
* Once you are pursuing your purpose and using your gifts, you experience what is foreign to many people: Fulfillment. You suddenly have joy, peace and satisfaction because you are doing what you were born to do.
* How much luckier can you be than to spend your time doing something that pleases God and pleases you. You are pleased because you can use your area of gifting and God is pleased because you are carrying out HIS assignment.
* Your passion gets you up in the morning, fills you with energy throughout the day and keeps you looking ahead to the future with confidence.

* The extent of your vision is the boundary of your blessing.
* Until you change a man's thinking, you cannot change his life,you cannot change his state and you cannot change his estate.

The Light of Life.

To everyone called to be the 'LIGHT OF LIFE' like me irrespective of your gender, this shout out goes to you:

#IAMjazzyb: i stood by my window and watched the MOON in its place glowing in space by NIGHT, then i saw some thick cloud blow past the moon hiding the moon light, it only covered the light and dimmed its brightness for awhile and then there it is still in its place glowing again after the thick cloud had blown past. Same with the SUN as it shone by DAY as commanded, then a thick stormy cloud blew across it and blanketed its brightness but sooner or later the stormy cloud blew past and there the sun is in its place, blaring & shining in all its glory.
Hey, what mistake could you have made that is blanketing your glow, if only you will seek your creator again and retrace your steps, the stormy weather will pass and your moon or sun will shine again in all of its glory. This is not a time to give up and become suicidal, this is the time to retrace back your step to your FIRSTLOVE with all of your heart. The LIGHT we carry cannot be extinguished because the source is from the very LIFE where all creation emanated from. #shineyourlight.

The Psalm of Adebayo ( jazzyb )

How on earth would i have been here in my life if no be YOU wey dey do wetin person no fit do cos if no be YOU where i for dey today? I realised that it's all been about YOU who didn't let go off me, no, not my prayers, how can it even be my prayers when i do not even know how to pray, how can it be my prayers to travel a billion miles away to a country i know none and none knows me yet i conquered and dominated in time, no thats not my prayer, it is YOU, your PRESDESTINED plan, YOU do your things for me in your own TIME and according to your PLAN, never mine. All i have been able to do is set my focus and whole heart on you, yet i kept messing up along the way, many times, i ought to have fallen away from grace by my human frailty but YOU just NEVER LET ME GO! Wetin i for do, where i for go, who i for run to if no be YOU! Today, YOU have brought me to a place of your own understanding, leading me by every calculated step by step, YOU have brought me to a greater LIGHT, a massive shinning LIGHT, i even come to a realisation that in my flaws, YOU were the one who held me up in my spirit and kept me going, i knew all along it couldnt have been me but now i know well that it is YOU. Many times when the result of my actions deserve that i be condemned but pardon i.e the removal of an offence from a person's criminal record, as if it had never been committed is what i get, this can only be the MERCY that comes from YOU, oh what manner of GRACE, overwhelming LOVE and unending KINDNESS i have been predestined to! Everything YOU are bringing to me today are far too much bigger than i could have asked for in prayers. YOU bring to my table in my stable what millions are seeking, striving & struggling hard to have. YOU dey do wetin person no fit do my LORD, my CREATOR who formed me in my mothers womb and preordained me, my REDEEMER, my EVER PRESENT HELP, my CHRIST JESUS, the TRUE LOVER OF MY SOUL. I never asked to be special, i was born this way, i never chose my ways and journey in life to be this funny, strange yet only imparting, touching and reconciling lives, no i didnt, YOU made it so, YOU made it different!!!



A Single Parent Affair.