People love & will like PICTURES packed with VANITY better than SCRIPTURES wired with ETERNITY.
What a life!
Hey my friend, get a life!
Give your life (which isn't actually yours) to Christ!
CHRISTlife is real life..the best life.
And for some folks who claims to be christians, let me ask quickly;
* are you a christian because you come from a christian family?
* are you a christian because you go to church on Sundays?
* are you a christian because you are a church worker e.g chorister, instrumentalist, usher, elder, deacon, pastor or Apostle?
* are you a christian because you know and can quote bible verses?
Common lets blow your bubble.
A christian is him/her who has a loving personal relationship with Christ HIMSELF. Such person knows very well that Christ did not say if you love ME, sing to me or preach for me or organise programs for me etc but CHRIST said; "if you love me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS (king James Version) or as the message translation puts it:
“If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you - the book of John chapter 14 verse 15.
This is Christlife!
So if you call yourself a christian or you are a christian by profession irrespective of the office you occupy nor position you hold; Do you keep & obey the words of Christ?
You need to know the words of Christ to be able to keep it. Let the words of Christ dwell in you richly and make you wise according to the book of Colossians chapter 3 verse 16.
Christianity is NOT a religion, it is a lifestyle or better said 'CHRISTLIFE'.
And just as king David said in the book of Psalms chapter 119 that 'i have hid thy words in my heart so that i will not sin against thee..hmmm this the CHRISTLIFE i am talking about friends.
A life guided and guarded by Christ words.
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