Wednesday, 31 August 2016

LADIES BEWARE!! The hustle is hotter!

Ladies PLEASE BEWARE for that lover guy splashing and spending so much money & gifts to impress you to have sex with's more than sex's for a ritual...
Huh..for those of you ladies who just meets a guy or see's a guy you have seen in a long time and follows home..BEWARE!
For those babe's that 'fall in love' with a 'familiar stranger' via facebook or other social media...BEWARE!
For those of you ladies who are students and have decided to live -in with your new catch guy..BEWARE!!!
To those ladies who think they are smart enough to want to 'help a mugun guy spend his money for him'..BEWARE so you won't end up smartly stupid..
For you babe who have been engaged in sleeping around 'skillfully' & escaping the traps...BEWARE for that might be your last escape.
For those 'beautiful laies' who will always get and ride in a 'free ride'..BEWARE for the next free might become FURIOUS!
This one thing i know is CERTAIN and it is that if you live your life for Christ, you can never end up becoming a ritual victim..
Start now, give & live your life for Christ!

# GOD'sErrandBoy

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Our Pictures beats the Scriptures!

People love & will like PICTURES packed with VANITY better than SCRIPTURES wired with ETERNITY.
What a life!
Hey my friend, get a life!
Give your life (which isn't actually yours) to Christ!
CHRISTlife is real life..the best life.
And for some folks who claims to be christians, let me ask quickly;
* are you a christian because you come from a christian family?
* are you a christian because you go to church on Sundays?
* are you a christian because you are a church worker e.g chorister, instrumentalist, usher, elder, deacon, pastor or Apostle?
* are you a christian because you know and can quote bible verses?

Common lets blow your bubble.
A christian is him/her who has a loving personal relationship with Christ HIMSELF. Such person knows very well that Christ did not say if you love ME, sing to me or preach for me or organise programs for me etc but CHRIST said; "if you love me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS (king James Version) or as the message translation puts it:
“If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you - the book of John chapter 14 verse 15.

This is Christlife!

So if you call yourself a christian or you are a christian by profession irrespective of the office you occupy nor position you hold; Do you keep & obey the words of Christ?
You need to know the words of Christ to be able to keep it. Let the words of Christ dwell in you richly and make you wise according to the book of Colossians chapter 3 verse 16.
Christianity is NOT a religion, it is a lifestyle or better said 'CHRISTLIFE'.
And just as king David said in the book of Psalms chapter 119 that 'i have hid thy words in my heart so that i will not sin against thee..hmmm this the CHRISTLIFE i am talking about friends.
A life guided and guarded by Christ words.


Thursday, 25 August 2016

Knocked down by my own Vision & Dreams.

' Are you using your time to time God or you are working on God's timing? You are the one anxious but GOD is not are in a hurry but GOD is a God of peace..God makes everything beautiful in HIS own time...God orders the step of the righteous..let God lead while you follow...even when you lose your friends and lose your strength DO NOT LOSE YOUR GOD! If all you know to do have been done and yet not good enough, please stay still where God will meet you, do not give up, do not seek any pity party, the Lord who gave you the vision & dreams will bring it to pass in HIS own time, if men in their wickedness, envy and jealousy push you to fall & knock you down, they will never ever want you to rise again, if God permit you to fall, HE will stand by you to rise & shine. Hear this: Vision can knock you down, vision can take your strength, vision can make you dumb but stay by your vision, stay by the revelation God showed you, don't ever let this turn you into a manipulator or a praise singer of men to impress men. What God ask you to do that is impossible to men can almost kill you but you will never die. The 'lazy' & the 'unwilling to go' don't go far but they that stand by the Lord and their vision shall win. For weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning.

  " And behold, one in the likeness of the sons of men touched my lips. Then I opened my mouth and spoke. I said to him who stood before me, O my Lord, by reason of the vision sorrows and pains have come upon me, and I retain no strength. For how can my Lord's servant [who is so feeble] talk with this my Lord? For now no strength remains in me, nor is there any breath left in me. Then there touched me again one whose appearance was like that of a man, and he strengthened me. And he said, O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you! Be strong, yes, be strong. And when he had spoken to me, I was strengthened and said, Let my Lord speak, for you have strengthened me.
Daniel 10:16‭-‬19 Amplified bible version "

I watched/listened to a message from Arch.Bishop Benson Idahosa and this is my note which i know will strengthen many more.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Who will celebrate you?

CELEBRATE yourself, you do NOT need any celebrity to be celebrated nor to have a platform, allow GOD to celebrate you & to give you your pattern & platform. As i go from here, this is my summary,conclusion & charge: Believe, i mean BELIEVE in the Lord your God, the ONLY ONE who knew you before HE formed you in your mothers womb, live by HIS WORDS, let the words of CHRIST dwell in your spirit in all it's richness + fullness,let these words give you wisdom, let these words direct you, let these words nourish you, let these words drive you and energise you.CELEBRATE yourself, you do NOT need any celebrity before you are celebrated nor to have a platform, allow GOD to celebrate you & to give you your pattern & platform. Believe in the pattern & platform HE gives you for in it lies your entire life..don't be in a rush and then become manipulative..remain ORIGINAL in your own these is your life fulfilment. Yes you will make mistakes but don't ever stay fallen, let the words that nourish you stand you up and keep you going, yes many will leave you but the only company/companion you need is HE who knew you before HE formed for the purpose you live for, HE never leaves nor forsake you at any point in time. Go...and LIVE YOUR PURPOSE for which you were created..