Sunday, 10 June 2018

Fresh every New phase - myJOURNEYupdate.

" Only seven (7) people in an 800seater auditorium "

It's always fresh every new phase.
In April 1999, i committed full time to God's call upon my life.
I remember vividly well then that when we had the mini - programs/outreaches, we will wait for people to arrive so we always start very late against schedule.
In October 1999. We had the first major city outreach in the first major event centre (then) in my region even as their first client. It was an 800 seater auditorium i had paid for personally, had fliers printed then in black & white and then made photocopies cause of the cost in making & printing full coloured fliers. Rehearsed and ready with my brilliant and wonderful team/troupe. We were just seven (7) in number.
On October 1st, 1999, we were ready to rock and roll and so by an hour later than when scheduled (because we were waiting for people to arrive), we started the event and ended to time. We pulled an excellent, outstanding & mind blowing ministration/performance to ONLY SEVEN (7) people that were in attendance in an 800seater hall. Yes ONLY SEVEN (7); A dad, mum, two kids and 3 other people.
Was it a failure? Oh no, it wasnt because i went from that point over the years to packing the biggest centres in my city and even other states with the largest attendances. My outreaches became a household name and a brand in my city unleashing many people doing greatly today from the platform God gave me. I made mistakes on the journey but i learnt. I fell but never stayed down. I have kept on the journey.
By the word of the Lord i arrived recently at another fresh location (U.S.A), it's my seventh (7th) week here and i had my first yesterday already at a 120seater hall, did everything as instructed of the Lord with all joy to twelve (12) of us in attendance, started an hour late into schedule waiting and ended according to time. It was groundbreaking & all joy for me because i had been there before and i'm keeping on the journey by the word of the Lord, obeying to the last letter.
That God gave you HIS word, HIS promise or told you something and it doesnt look like it does not mean its not it!
God said to Elijah, I have prepared a woman for you in Zarephath to feed you...Elijah got there to findout the woman was about to die from lack & hunger...yet GOD said she is prepared...
How much do you believe Gods word, instructions & directives. Many have missed it today because what they saw, encounter or are experiencing is total opposite to Gods promises they have received from HIM for their lives. Some go in wrong direction from there, some give up but i say to you WAIT FOR IT! GODs words is GODs all, HE cannot lie! It's impossi-cant!
Gods word is TRUE
Gods word is TRUTH
Gods word is GODs ALL!
#IAMjazzyb #GODsErrandBoy

Thursday, 7 June 2018

VOICEs everywhere!

Whose voice are you listening to?
Everybody is talking today from everywhere. So much voices from every angle! A sea of voices from all angles, at every swipe or flicker of channel there is a voice of someone advising, motivating, inspiring, teaching, preaching or prophesying. STOP killing or measuring your life with every voice flying in the air and on the internet.

And it is not true as its popularly said that "the voice of man is the voice of God", no it's a lie from hell!

Be warned: " Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23 NLT ".

Why will you listen to every voice but God's voice?

The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me. JOHN 10:27 AMP .

#voices #IAMjazzyb #GODsErrandjazzy