Wednesday, 25 July 2018


No soldier in active service gets entangled in the [ordinary business] affairs of civilian life; [he avoids them] so that he may please the one who enlisted him to serve. No soldier in active service gets entangled in the [ordinary business] affairs of civilian life; [he avoids them] so that he may please the one who enlisted him to serve.

This is why i am alive & here!
Daily as i live..Often as i breathe..over and again, my whole life will continually and consistently be EXPRESSIONS OF GRACE my Lord. It's a privilege to be CALLED & SENT by you.

#IAMjazzyb #GodsErrandBoy #fisherofmen


The will of God for me in Jesus is for me to have the abundance that is wrapped up in life i.e to always be at the peak of my walk with the Lord, to be at the peak of performance in my calling and to be at the peak of prosperity! This is the will of God for me.

Jesus said:
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. *My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life* .
John 10:10 NLT

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. *I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]* .
JOHN 10:10 AMP

Monday, 9 July 2018

Joy of denial

Thank you Lord for hiding me!
Thank you Lord for the doors that you closed!
Thank you Lord for the things you didnt allow to work out for me!
Thank you Lord for letting me to be rejected!
Thank you Lord for those that walked out of my life!
Thank you Lord for those that never even allowed me at all!
Thank you Lord for those that used me!
Thank you Lord for those that dumped me!
Thank you Lord for those that got fed up of my frailties & shut me off!
Thank you Lord for those that misunderstood me & got pissed at me!
Thank you Lord for those that never listened to me!
Thank you Lord for those that never believed in my calling!
Thank you Lord!!!!!
My life is laid out before you before you formed me in my mothers womb
So there is no part of my life today that is a surprise or a shock to YOU!
YOU know my going in & out, YOU know my lying down & waking up.
It's ALL good for me because YOU were protecting me!
There are somethings that GOD didnt mean for it to work
Because it would have kept you from something of far greater glory.
Thank you Lord for keeping me from something less than my destiny.
#IAMjazzyb #GODsErrandBoy #fisherofmen

Friday, 6 July 2018

The higher life i live!

For so many people, life for them is 1 + 1 = 2 but for just a few of us, life for us is ONLY LIVED on 'thus saith the Lord'. At all times, that instruction or kind of life is always 'foolish' to the carnal mind and thats why from ages to ages HE (GOD) has used the 'foolish'  things, the foolish instructions, this foolish kind of living to confound/to confuse/to puzzle/to shame the wise/the mathematician. Take for example, the Lord instructed the captain of the army to cut down the number of soldiers that is not even enough from 32,000 to 300 to go into battle against an allied force of three mighty nations whose soldiers are great warriors but because it was 'thus saith the Lord', a total number of 135,000 warriors fell for 300 unskilled soldiers of which not one out of the 300 died. You can read the full story of this account in the book of Judges chapter 7. Another one of plenty examples is been told go forward into the red sea and the red sea parted because it was a 'thus saith the Lord'.....Selah!
#IAMjazzyb #GODsErrandBoy #fisherofmen

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Fresh every New phase - myJOURNEYupdate.

" Only seven (7) people in an 800seater auditorium "

It's always fresh every new phase.
In April 1999, i committed full time to God's call upon my life.
I remember vividly well then that when we had the mini - programs/outreaches, we will wait for people to arrive so we always start very late against schedule.
In October 1999. We had the first major city outreach in the first major event centre (then) in my region even as their first client. It was an 800 seater auditorium i had paid for personally, had fliers printed then in black & white and then made photocopies cause of the cost in making & printing full coloured fliers. Rehearsed and ready with my brilliant and wonderful team/troupe. We were just seven (7) in number.
On October 1st, 1999, we were ready to rock and roll and so by an hour later than when scheduled (because we were waiting for people to arrive), we started the event and ended to time. We pulled an excellent, outstanding & mind blowing ministration/performance to ONLY SEVEN (7) people that were in attendance in an 800seater hall. Yes ONLY SEVEN (7); A dad, mum, two kids and 3 other people.
Was it a failure? Oh no, it wasnt because i went from that point over the years to packing the biggest centres in my city and even other states with the largest attendances. My outreaches became a household name and a brand in my city unleashing many people doing greatly today from the platform God gave me. I made mistakes on the journey but i learnt. I fell but never stayed down. I have kept on the journey.
By the word of the Lord i arrived recently at another fresh location (U.S.A), it's my seventh (7th) week here and i had my first yesterday already at a 120seater hall, did everything as instructed of the Lord with all joy to twelve (12) of us in attendance, started an hour late into schedule waiting and ended according to time. It was groundbreaking & all joy for me because i had been there before and i'm keeping on the journey by the word of the Lord, obeying to the last letter.
That God gave you HIS word, HIS promise or told you something and it doesnt look like it does not mean its not it!
God said to Elijah, I have prepared a woman for you in Zarephath to feed you...Elijah got there to findout the woman was about to die from lack & hunger...yet GOD said she is prepared...
How much do you believe Gods word, instructions & directives. Many have missed it today because what they saw, encounter or are experiencing is total opposite to Gods promises they have received from HIM for their lives. Some go in wrong direction from there, some give up but i say to you WAIT FOR IT! GODs words is GODs all, HE cannot lie! It's impossi-cant!
Gods word is TRUE
Gods word is TRUTH
Gods word is GODs ALL!
#IAMjazzyb #GODsErrandBoy

Thursday, 7 June 2018

VOICEs everywhere!

Whose voice are you listening to?
Everybody is talking today from everywhere. So much voices from every angle! A sea of voices from all angles, at every swipe or flicker of channel there is a voice of someone advising, motivating, inspiring, teaching, preaching or prophesying. STOP killing or measuring your life with every voice flying in the air and on the internet.

And it is not true as its popularly said that "the voice of man is the voice of God", no it's a lie from hell!

Be warned: " Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23 NLT ".

Why will you listen to every voice but God's voice?

The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me. JOHN 10:27 AMP .

#voices #IAMjazzyb #GODsErrandjazzy

Sunday, 27 May 2018

ALONESS i.e loneliness

#IAMjazzyb: It does not matter how 'private' a person you are, you still are around some people, your clique or something, it's just so lifeless being lonely & alone. When you start getting comfortable being by yourself, isolated or just you by you, something is not right.
I fully understand now indepthly when God said 'it's not good for a man/human to be alone', trust me it goes beyond the opposite sex as wife, that is the closest circle of bond though but you just have a people or some other person to relate with, God help you it's the right company too though but it's just not SANE for man/human to be alone. Haaa even if it's someone or some people to argue with, it is sure a blessing you have. I hope you really value that no matter what situation it is for you right now, you still are blessed to not be lonely/isolated.
God did not make/form humans/man to be by himself/herself and that is the reason we crave for relationships.
It's a different thing when you withdraw to be by yourself for a higher life purpose.
When you are lonely, you are sad & desolate! To be desolate is to be lifeless.
Loneliness can run you mad!
A lack of human connection ultimately leads to a lack of vitality or a disconnect between mind and body.
Fun is not even fun when you do it all alone.
No amount of social network-ing, chats, phonecalls or emails can fill this kind of vacuum, ONLY THE PHYSICAL PRESENCE OF HUMANS CAN! This is the way we are wired to be....(deep Sigh)!
Having a companion physically present around you is a blessing, appreciate it!
Having family present around you is a blessing, appreciate it!
Having good relatives present around you is a blessing, appreciate it!
Having great & prosperous friends present around you is a blessing, appreciate it!
Having none of these drains you & kills vitality, it's lifeless. It's a wilderness experience!
#IAMjazzyb #GODsErrandboy